Thursday, September 17, 2009

Just for fun: Thrifty finds:)

So I've really become interested in crafting over the last several months, but crafting materials can get really expensive. I've starting looking for material and notions at thrift stores to see what I can find. This past weekend we decided to go yard saling (I think that's a word) on Saturday. We weren't having much luck until we happened upon these ladies who were having a combined yard sale getting rid of the crafting stuff of their mothers:) I just had so much fun here that I wanted to share with you my happiness...Basically I need someone else beside Ian to admire it...though he was incredibly sweet about letting me take my time to decide exactly what I HAD to have! Hope you enjoy:)
Knitting caddy with 20 pairs needles + accessories $3; yarn+basket $3
Embroidery hoops, floss, quilting and knitting mag., 2 patterns, needles, lace + material=$3 :)