Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday grocery totals

In our house, we practice the stockpiling principle of shopping. We stock up on things on sale so that what you see me buy every week is not all that we are eating. For example, I got a lot of pasta for pennies one week and then a few weeks later was able to get quite a few jars of pasta sauce on sale. Now we can put those things together to have different meals. It takes a while to get this set up but once you have a good stockpile, your grocery budget drops quite a bit. Things works well with things that don't go bad quickly: condiments, salad dressings, cereals, pastas, etc.
However, sometimes you need to use up some of what you have in order to make room for more. We have declared this one of those weeks in our household. It worked out well because we wanted to go pick some apples and that can get expensive. We used most of our budget to get apples, and then I made a quick trip to the store today to get some essentials we needed as well as some ingredients for a birthday cheesecake I'm making this weekend (just for you Beka:)
First off was Aldis for the generics...
Total spent: $5.86 (note most of the time I can get these items on sale for cheaper than here but if you need it right away, this is the best place to go.)
Then on to Publix:
Total before coupons/savings: $25.66
Total spent: $3.34
Percentage in savings: 87%
(this total was helped out by the Nilla wafers penny item being out:( and them offering Lucky Charms in exchange! $5 for a penny)